Monday, August 30, 2010

what about now

i am one of the member in VJ.DAM.KC.....
im here to share my feeling n my friendship to others n also to evryone tat i knw...
VJ.DAM.KC is a wonderful group...
i love it a lot...
my relasionship with kogi is still unexceptable till now..
althought im wit vinot my love one.. i still cant rexixts the pain off me..
im sory bby, im really sorry for talkin bout this...
VJ.DAM.KC had given me so many wonderful things n carring towards me..
im thankful for it...
i jus wish for this group to last long till our death...
lastly, im sorry to kogi.. n my love ones...
vicky,, welcome back...
jino...thx for evrythin
jeeve...have a great life..
dashan..sucess in future..
anil,,,..remember sharru,,
mani..hope to c u soon.
kogi..blessing upon u..

VJ.DAM.KC member..:-)

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